Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Virgin Suicides: trivia

Nothing new in Sofia's world so I will post a bit of trivia and interesting facts of Sofia's films, starting with 'The Virgin Suicides':

- Thurstoon Moore of the band Sonic Youth originally gave the book 'The Virgin Suicides' to Sofia Coppola. After reading it she decided to make it into a movie.

- Josh Hartnett used a wig for his role as Trip Fontaine.

- Leslie Hayman, who plays Therese Lisbon, is a close friend of Sofia Coppola and was the face of Coppola's clothing line Milkfed.

More TVS trivia soon!

1 comment:

  1. I really love The Virgin Suicides,
    and i love reading this sort of things,
    Thanks <3
